Brain Launch

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Butterflies and Caterpillars

It's Monarch butterfly time in Maine!  So here are some wonderful links to pages that teach about butterflies and have activities for the 5 or 6 year old and up.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cows, Milk and Ice Cream!

Cows, Milk, Ice Cream...

Ooooh, let's make ice cream!

This is really for the parent to view before doing the activity with their child:

And here's a wiki on how to make ice cream here.

Here's an educational video - and commercial video - for how they make Ben and Jerry's ice creams.

Here's a Teacher tube video...fairly well done, on milk to ice cream.

Here is a whole teaching lesson on pdf about milk to ice cream:
Ice Cream pdf

Teachnet's site about making ice cream. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project

So I'm applying for a Pepsi Refresh grant that will get 22 iPod Touches for first graders at DNS. More information to come later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Math Fun Online

Math resource page:

Addition practice
Feed Fribbit Addition Facts with missing addends and sums get more difficult as you go on
Cool math 4 Addition practice: no frills, no music, just the facts, mam.
The Timernator Same as above except it's timed.
Mahjong Math - Easy, but with a link to Hard
Math Lines - Sums of 10
Math Man - Like PacMan
Part-Whole Models - Level 1-Using interactive "thinking blocks" to solve problems
Part-Whole Models - Level 2 - three part problems
Let's Compare - Comparing two numbers using "thinking blocks"

Subtraction practice
Fruit Shoot Subtraction
Mahjong Math - Easy, but with a link to Hard

Division practice
Fruit Shoot Division
Mahjong Math - Easy, but with a link to Hard
Number Twins Matching tens

Multiplication practice
Crazy Taxi Race game hitting cars that are multiples of a number.
Fruit Shoot Multiplication
Mahjong Math - Easy, but with a link to Hard

Mixed practice

Numeric Order



Wednesday, May 13, 2009