GR 1 Social Studies

Kids as Decision Makers -Geared to grade one
Work, Work, Work
Whose Home is It?
Supermarket Sweep -Geared to grade one
How Grocery Stores Work
Spend, Save Invest or Donate
Wants and Needs pdf to download
Wants Needs -Geared to Kindergarten
Sheering Sheep
Economic Resources Using Thinking Maps -Geared to grade two
Bartering -Geared to grade three
We Depend on Each Other
Bartering Buddies
How People Make Sneakers
Needs and Wants
Simple Simon Met a Pie-Man
Simple Simon Met a Producer
We Are Consumers and Producers
A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessonsMoney is what we use to buy basic needs - poster
Workers and Their Hats - online activity to drag a hat to the name of the worker
Rumble, Grumble, Gurgle, Roar
Economics Makes CENTS -Geared to grade 3
Welcome to Econopolis - Lots of reading
Kids' Bank.Com - Needs to be read to the group, but colorful and parts are good for first.